Gaining the Confidence to Write a Book: High-Performance Habits

Oct 15, 2023

Gaining the Confidence to Write a Book

How often have you said, "One day, I'll write a book," but then...nothing? Trust me, the issue isn't a lack of time but a lack of confidence. We all have our cringe-worthy moments, but guess what? Those moments pass. So why let fear hold you back from writing?

Instead of being petrified about sharing your work, why not first write for yourself? Think of your writing journey as your personal "Choose Your Own Adventure" story. Even for someone like me who's authored 20 books, it's crucial to stay passionate about my writing and remember why I started in the first place. It's important to hit the reset button every now and again.

Perspective Matters

Aspiring authors worry about things like getting published, putting themselves out there and getting an agent, while many established authors worry about book sales, performances, and keeping their agents and publishers. So it does you good to go back to reset every now and again, and remind yourself why you got into this in the first place. Stay passionate. It’s not the actual writing that people stress about, it’s the circumstances around it, so it’s worth keeping things in perspective. The better your energy is around writing, the more positive things you’ll attract into your life. This isn’t woo-woo, it’s scientifically proven. I am constantly talking about the importance of a good perspective, because it will make you more open to seeing the opportunities around you. And they are all around you.

This is an exciting time to be an author. And I know people talk about book saturation but go on to Amazon and look at the top 100 book charts. Someone else has done it. Why not you? It’s the same thing I said to my daughter when she said she was considering psychology in University. She wasn’t sure if she was aiming too high as it was such a competitive field. I turned to her and said well somebody has to do it, why not you? She recently graduated with a first, and thanked me on her graduation day for the comment I made years before. Because it helped her visualise herself in that role. And you need to do that too. Because even if you’ve written half a book or ten, it only takes one book to turn things around. But keep working at it, be focused, deliver excellence, be passionate and enjoy the process. It’s so worth it.

Sometimes the hardest times lead to the greatest moments in your life, so stick with it. Because if you play it safe and do the same thing every day, what are you going to get more of? The same. If you want things to change. Do something different. It’s that easy.


The Underrated Power of Sharing Success

Sharing success isn't about making others jealous; it's about inspiring them. When I began, I was a sponge for inspiration, so now, I don't hold back from mentioning that I'm a 7-figure author. I say it loud and proud because I know it captures attention and makes people ask, "How did she do that?"

Writers massively underestimate themselves. The beautiful thing about creativity is that the more you do it, the better you get. So if you can put a story together now, just imagine what it will be like in five or ten years time.

But it’s hard to find inspiration online when it comes to writing. That’s not because authors don’t do well, it’s because they’re generally very humble. Now I know that there are writing groups where authors won’t share their success in case they make other people feel bad. Author jealousy is real. Don’t fall into that trap. And while I agree, that you don’t want to make people jealous, isn’t it just as important to inspire them? Even when authors do well, they don’t tend to share it, and if they do it always comes with a caveat like ‘sorry for the humble brag’. But it’s important to share your wins, because that provides huge inspiration for writers trying to get their work off the ground. When I was starting out, I was so hungry for inspiration. I lapped this stuff up. Be proud of your work. Share your successes. Nothing makes me happier than when someone tells me that my words have motivated them. Because I empathise with them so much. Ten years ago, that was me. Whether you're fretting about getting an agent or concerned about dwindling book sales, remember it's not writing itself that's the problem. It's the environment around it. So, the key is to shift your perspective. 


The Game Plan

Alright, let's get to the details. Here's your strategy:

1. Start with Affirmations: Just one empowering thought to kick off your day can make a world of difference.

2. Visualise Success: Close your eyes. Imagine you as a bestselling author. Feel it, love it, chase it.

3. Master Time Management: Check out the Eisenhower Box technique and prioritise your tasks into the following categories:

1. Urgent tasks that won't wait - high priority

2. Important but not urgent tasks - schedule for later

3.Urgent but not important tasks - delegate

4. Non urgent or important tasks - delete/get rid of


Overcoming Self-Doubt

Just one more thing before we wrap up. Your journey is yours alone, so don't waste time comparing it to anyone else's or fearing judgment. My podcast and weekly emails are great tools for boosting your confidence and should be part of your arsenal if you want to write a book.

As we say farewell, I'll leave you with these actionable steps:

1. Set Daily Goals: Note down your objectives for each day.

2. Establish Writing Rituals: Find your ideal time and setting for writing.

3. Accountability: Share your goals with a friend or hold each other accountable.

Remember, success isn't luck; it's a lifestyle built on habit and persistence. So, why not start today? Happy writing! 

Taken from episode 6 of The Motivated Author podcast.

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