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Brave The Page


Easy Payments

  • 4 x weekly payments
  • Early access
  • Lifetime of the course
  • 48hr guarantee

Brave The Page


Most Popular

  • Bonus guide
  • Early access
  • Lifetime of the course
  • 48hr guarantee

1-1 Author coaching


VIP Coaching

  • 1 hour video call
  • 3,000 words of your work in progress assessed
  • 1-1 coaching

Course Modules 

Here's what's inside...


Module 1- Concept


1 Hour Video Lessons:

Discover the Formula for Your Next Bestseller

Unlock the secrets to generating compelling book ideas and master the art of validating them. Soon you will be captivating readers from the very first page.

  • Generating ideas
  • Validating ideas
  • Researching the market
  • Visualising your book
  • Bonus lesson

Printable Handouts:

  • 20 page workbook
  • Time saving handout


Live Q&A Workshop event


Module 2 - Character


40 Minute Video Lessons:

Discover the secrets to creating fully fleshed out characters that your readers will love - or love to hate.

  • Auditioning your characters
  • Bringing characters to life
  • Backstory & voice
  • Quirks & mannerisms
  • Character arc & bios

Printable Handouts:

  • 35 page workbook
  • Character archetypes 


Live Q&A Workshop event


Module 3 - Setting


20 Minute Video Lessons:

Discover the secrets to creating fully fleshed out characters that your readers will love - or love to hate.

  • Pro plotting tips 
  • Using the senses
  • Using symbolism
  • Mastering timelines
  • Quiz & worksheets

Printable Handouts:

  • 24 page printable workbook
  • Character archetypes 


Live Q&A Workshop event


Module 4 - Writing


1hr 30 Minute Video Lessons:

Discover the secrets to creating fully fleshed out characters that your readers will love - or love to hate.

  • Pacey Plotting 
  • Solid structure
  • Your character's journey
  • Insider tips & tricks
  • How to write dialogue
  • Writing a brilliant first draft

Printable Handouts:

  • 23 page plotting workbook
  • 30 page story structure workbook
  • 20 page dialogue workbook
  • Screenplay handout


Live Q&A Workshop event


Module 5 - Mindset


1hr 30 Minute Video Lessons:

Discover how to harness the law of attraction to make your writing dreams a reality. 

  • Harnessing the law of attraction 
  • The magic of manifestation
  • Manifestation for writers
  • Workshop 


  • 48 page manifestation planner
  • 20 minute audio & video meditation
  • 50 page mindfulness workbook


Live Q&A Workshop event


Module 5 - Bonus


Secret bonus lessons include :

Discover how to harness the law of attraction to make your writing dreams a reality. 

  • Time management tips
  • Future proofing your writing
  • Editing made easy
  • Next steps 



Pre-recorded video workshops

Private Facebook group

Private online study group